
  • 10th grader enrolled at a private school in New England
  • Diagnosis of ADHD with a history of depression and anxiety
  • Parents sought an evaluation with Fit Learning Online due to concerns over comprehension, logical problem-solving, inferencing, and organization.
  • Tara had fluent reading skills, but struggled to comprehend higher-level text.
  • A Logic Assessment was conducted to identify fluency deficits in essential language and thinking skills.
    • Results indicated that Tara was below fluency on a majority of the component skills assessed in the Logic Assessment.
    • She scored in the average range (i.e., 50th percentile) on standard reading comprehension and expressive writing measures.
    • She scored in the 85th percentile for Correct Writing Sequences(i.e.,grammar usage)–a measure included on an expressive writing assessment.
  • Following a 40-hour Fit Logic enrollment:
    • Tara had achieved fluency on 64 component Logic skills.
    • She improved from the 50th to the 73rd percentile on a standard measure of Comprehension.
    • She improved from the 54th to the 90th percentile on a standard measure of expressive writing output.
    • She improved from the 48th to the 87th percentile on a standard measure of spelling during expressive writing.
    • She improved from the 85th to the 98th percentile on a standard measure of grammar usage during expressive writing.
  • Figures above reflect her growth after 40-hours of Fit Logic.
