
  • 4th grader enrolled in a public school in the western region of the US
  • Diagnosis of ADD
  • He had previously enrolled in Fit Reading during Kindergarten and 1st grade.
  • Currently performing at the advanced level in reading and writing skills
  • Parents were concerned about the quality of math instruction being provided by his local public school.
  • A Math assessment was conducted to identify fluency deficits in core numeracy, computation and fractions skills.
    • Results indicated that Harry was below fluency on a majority of the core math skills assessed.
    • Results indicated that Harry was performing at the 24th percentile on a standard assessment of math computation.
    • Results indicated that Harry was performing at a higher level (i.e., 84th percentile) on a standard assessment of language-based math skills.
  • Following a 40-hour enrollment in Fit Math:
    • Harry achieved fluency on 131 foundational math skills.
    • He improved from the 24th to the 69th percentile on a 4th-grade-level standard assessment of math computation.
      • He also scored in the 52nd percentile on a 5th-grade-level standard assessment of math computation.
      • Together, these results indicate that he achieved more than one grade-level of growth on math computation skills.
      • Harry was performing above his current grade level on computation after a 40-hour Fit Math enrollment.
    • Harry improved from the 81st to the 91st percentile on a 4th-grade-level standard assessment of language-based math skills.
      • He also scored in the 96th percentile on a 5th-grade-level standard assessment of language-based math skills.
      • Together, these results indicate one grade-level of growth in language-based math skills.
      • Harry was performing above his current grade level on language-based math after a 40-hour Fit Math enrollment.
    • The figures above reflect Harry’s gains on weekly math assessments during his enrollment and on his 40-hour re-assessment.
